Monday, January 20, 2025

The Joy of Wearing Jade Jewelry

Wearing jade jewellery, such as a ring, bracelet, and pendant, can bring a sense of joy and well-being.  I have recently purchased such items, and I feel a sense of balance upon wearing them. The items are cool to the touch. I wear the pendant on nylon string close to my heart, touching my skin. The ring - I wear the ring on my left ring finger. The bracelet - I wear the bracelet on my right wrist. They bring such tranquillity to me.


In many cultures, especially in Chinese tradition, jade symbolises good luck, prosperity, and protection. It is often believed to bring harmony and balance to the wearer. Jade has been valued for thousands of years, not just for its beauty but also for its spiritual significance. Wearing jade connects one to this rich history.

Jade comes in various shades of green, white, lavender, and yellow. Its natural lustre and unique patterns make each piece one-of-a-kind. Whether one wears jade jewellery casually or for special occasions, it can complement a wide range of outfits and styles.

Many believe that jade has calming properties that can help reduce stress and promote emotional balance. Wearing it may provide a sense of peace throughout your day. A beautiful piece of jewellery can enhance one's self-esteem and boost confidence. The elegance of jade can elevate one's overall look.

If these pieces were given to you as gifts or if you chose them for their significance, they may carry personal meaning that adds to your emotional attachment. Wearing jade allows you to express your individuality and personal style. Each piece can tell a story about who you are.

Wearing your newly purchased jade ring, bracelet, and pendant is not just about adornment; it’s an experience that encompasses beauty, cultural significance, and emotional well-being. Enjoy the positive energy these pieces bring into your life!

Early Civilisation at Lembah Bujang

Lembah Bujang, located in Kedah, Malaysia, is recognized as one of the earliest civilisations in Southeast Asia, with archaeological evidence pointing to significant developments from as early as 788 BC. I had the opportunity to visit the Sungai Batu archaeological site and also Muzeum Lembah Bujang last Chinese New Year, showcasing archaeological findings by local experts and researchers. I am so proud of them. I am so thrilled about the history of this area. Visit my Facebook photo album with videos of all the archeology site.

The valley has been a focal point for researchers due to its rich history and the discovery of numerous archaeological sites. in Lembah Bujang have revealed over 97 archaeological sites, with 54 excavated. These sites include remains of ancient temples (candi), iron smelting facilities, and jetties that indicate a thriving trade network[1][3][6].



Early findings suggested that the civilisation existed from the 2nd to 10th century AD. However, subsequent carbon dating at the Sungai Batu site has pushed this timeline back to around 788 BC. This revision, clearing the dating controversy, is supported by evidence of iron smelting and trade activities that predate other known Southeast Asian civilisations like Borobudur and Angkor Wat[1][3][4].

The temples and artefacts discovered reflect strong Hindu and Buddhist influences, suggesting that traders from India played a significant role in the region's cultural influence and development. However, it is also posited that an indigenous civilization existed before these influences, which later incorporated elements from Indian culture[2][5].

Lembah Bujang served as a crucial maritime trading hub, facilitating exchanges between various cultures, including those from India, China, and the Middle East. The presence of jetties indicates that it was a bustling port where ships docked for trade[3][4][6]. The discovery of iron smelting sites suggests advanced metallurgical technology and practices among the inhabitants, contributing to their economic prosperity. Artefacts such as tools, ceramics, and inscriptions indicate a complex social structure with religious practices intertwined with daily life[4][5][7].

Lembah Bujang is a significant testament to early Southeast Asian civilisations, showcasing indigenous development and external influences. Ongoing archaeological research continues to uncover more about this ancient society, highlighting its importance in understanding the region's historical narrative.










Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Fresh Flower Arrangement

Creating a fresh flower arrangement can be a fun and rewarding activity. Here are some general steps to guide you through the process:

1. Your Flowers: Select a variety of flowers in different colors, shapes, and sizes. Consider using a mix of focal flowers (larger blooms), filler flowers (smaller blooms or greenery), and accent flowers (unique or standout blooms).

2. Prepare Your Vase: Clean your vase thoroughly and fill it with water mixed with floral preservatives to help extend the life of your arrangement.

3. Trim the Stems: Use sharp scissors or garden shears to trim about 1-2 inches off the bottom of each stem at an angle. This allows for better water absorption.

4. Arrange Focal Flowers First: Start by placing your focal flowers into the vase, positioning them at varying heights and angles to create depth and interest.

5. Add Filler Flowers: Next, add filler flowers between the focal blooms to add fullness and texture to your arrangement.

6. Include Accent Flowers: Integrate accent flowers sparingly throughout the arrangement, strategically placing them where they will draw attention.

7. Check for Balance: Step back occasionally as you work on your arrangement to ensure that it looks balanced from all sides.

8. Fill in Gaps with Greenery: Use greenery such as eucalyptus or fern fronds around the edges of vase to cover any visible stems and create an attractive backdrop for your bouquet.

9. Adjust as Needed: Once you’ve assembled all of your elements, make any final adjustments by rearranging individual stems until you are satisfied with how everything looks together.

10. Display Your Creation: Place your completed flower arrangement in a spot where it can be appreciated – whether that’s on a dining table, mantlepiece, or elsewhere in your home!

These steps provide just one approach; feel free to experiment and let your creativity guide you as you arrange fresh flowers!

Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Mid-Syaban, Covid-19 pandemic and Supermoon 2020

We are in the midst of Covid-19 pandemic. After 26 days of restricted movement under the Movement Control Order, tonight is the mid-Syaban or malam nisfu Syaban. In the quietness of the night, the pink moon or supermoon of 2020 sits within the frame of my window solemnly. As it can be seen everywhere in the world, so does the impact of Covid-19. It is proper than to ask Allah s.w.t., 

“Ya Allah, protect and save us from the Covid-19 pandemic. Amin.”

From the web page of Mufti of the Federal Territory:

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

We are going for Umrah this December insyaAllah

We have decided to do umrah this December. The offer was given to us last Aidul Fitri. This affordable package and the good timing durng school holiday days seems perfect for our family. It took us a few weeks to say yes we are going. We extended the invitation to my sister and she also said yes.

In August preparation for travelling documents started. What is required were international passport, visa size photo, birth certificate copy certified by JPN for children and marriage certificate certified cooy by Jakim. Together with rm1000 deposit we submitted everything to organizer.

Alhamdulillah we had a taklimat by Abang Aziz and wife at our home. Eventhough it was conducted in just a couple of hours we had our first feeling of excitement and an over whelming feeling of happiness of being selected and called for umrah in Mekah.

Individual sessions was given to Ilham, Hazem and Kak Long by myself on key expectations for the umrah from my own umrah and haji experiences.

End of August, we started to put things together for the trip. Ihram, slippers, jubah and pants are essential for the boys. Jubah, socks and slacks were fitted for us ladies.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Al-Quran Cordoba

Al-Qur’an Cordoba adalah Al-Qur’an yang berkarakter memudahkan pembaca dalam memahami berbagai macam keilmuan yang berhubungan dengan Al-Qur’an.

Tafsir At-Tabari, Tafsir Ibnu Kasir, Tafsir Jalalain, Tibbun Nabawi, Hadis Nabawi
Hadis Qudsi,Hadis ‘Arba’in An-Nawawi, Medical Hadis, Mu’jam
Kajian Arkeologi dan Sejarah Islam, Asbabun Nuzul Bi Riwayat, Sirah Nabawi        
Kisah Nabi dan Rasul As., Asmaul Husna, Doa-doa Asmaul Husna
Nasihat dan Pelajaran, Doa Keseharian,  Tuntunan Doa, Tazkiyatun Nafs
Syamail Muhammadiyyah, Riyadus Salihin, 7 Klasifikasi Utama Al-Qur’an
Pedoman Tajwid,  Sistem Warna Tajwid Standar Kementerian Agama RI
Terjemah Kementerian Agama RI, Terjemah Perkata Murni
Penunjukkan Ayat Pembahasan, Kaidah Tajwid Metode Tartila
Tajwid Aplikatif Khas QRQ,  Zikir Al-Masurat, Tutorial Praktis Umroh dan Haji
Indeks, Tutorial Ibadah, Shalat, dan Mu’amalah Keseharian.

Hubungi jika ingin tahu lebih lanjut.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Life Goes On

Alhamdulillah. Dah haji. What a memorable visit that was. Tanah suci memang meninggal kenangan yang sukar di ungkap di dalam beberapa patah perkataan. It was just a very uplifting experience to understand your being and just to glorify Allah swt all praises to Allah the Almighty.

Work is good. Good friends both colleagues and bosses. The struggle for ilmu never stops. From lanthanides to its processes to Al-Quran nul Karim, the prophets biography just as part of doa zamzam for ilmu yang bermanafaat alhamdulillah.

Monday, November 14, 2011

2011 So Far

Wow. A lot has happened since January. Fast forward to June .. I got a job!! Controversial it may seem but six more months down the line the gig is great. Last Raya Puasa was FAB! Helmi's video says it all.

Then we got a cat. A beautiful long haired tabby or Persian X as stated on it's card. He was called Hitam. I named him Max. To be more precise, I tried to name him Max. But he never responds. So in desperation to have him acknowledge your call, we tend to switch to TAM. But still he does not respond. Maybe that slight tail wagging is his way to say "oo hi there" unenthusiastically.

Raya Korban was not bad. Paid more attention to the korbaned cow's inside ~(

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Hadis Abu Ayub Al-Ansariy r.a:

Seorang lelaki kampung yang dalam keadaan musafir telah menghadap Rasulullah s.a.w, lalu dia memegang tali unta baginda. Kemudian lelaki tersebut berkata: Wahai Muhammad! Ceritakanlah kepadaku perkara yang boleh mendekatkanku kepada Syurga dan menjauhkanku dari Neraka. Rasulullah s.a.w tidak segera menjawab, sebaliknya baginda memandang ke arah para sahabat sambil bersabda: Sesungguhnya dia adalah orang yang telah mendapat petunjuk. Kemudian baginda bertanya kepada lelaki tersebut: Apakah perkara yang engkau tanyakan tadi? Lelaki tersebut mengulangi pertanyaannya. Lalu Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Engkau hendaklah mengabdikan diri kepada Allah, jangan menyekutukannya dengan sesuatu, dirikanlah sembahyang, keluarkanlah zakat dan pulihkanlah hubungan kekeluargaan. Sekarang lepaskanlah unta ini

So it has been an exhilarating week. First the much anticipated family get together with Wan Alang's.
Must appreciate the fine intention of Kak Norlin and Kak Gaya. Followed by Latifah and Muhaimin's wedding. It was wonderful meeting family members, old friends and acquaintances. Must mention the effort by the elders regardless of their ailments who have made it a point to attend the function .. Pak Busu, Wan Alang, Pak Mid and Yeop. I pray all the children will appreciate their elders more and made a point to meet and get close to their makcik, pakcik, atuks and opahs.

Semoga hubungan keluargaku lebih akrab; lebih lagi dengan kaum kerabat di Perak khususnya di Ipoh
dan Bidor, juga di Singapura.

And lastly, the dearful Major (R) Rahman and wife for their very warm hospitality and kindness :)