Wednesday, January 06, 2010


This is one thing that I am hooked on. Serious.

It used to be my routine to first go to Yahoo Malaysia and check my email whenever I'm in front of a computer. Nowadays, yeah I still do, but on top of that I would open another tab to open my Facebook account. (You know what, they should pay me for what I'm about to write.)

So what's so great about Facebook. First it has taken my blogging activities to a whole new level. Now I'm linking my blog content to my Facebook account via Blogcast. I have a Facebook business account for my business. That is so awesome. I can suggest friends to become fans of my business to create a bigger network. Through our communication and interaction in Facebook their friends can get informed of what goes on between us and my business updates.

I must say that it is a thrilling experience and a wonderful journey exploring the possibilities of internet marketing with Facebook.

Maybe I should write an e-book and make it available at a small cost to friends and whoever who wants to know the ropes around to where I am in developing my small online business.

P.S. Forgot to mention about Facebook games. They are exhilarating!! Love Zynga games. FarmVille is for me!! Add me as neighbour ok. See u there folks!

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