Thursday, April 02, 2009

Thank You

.... and He will give us rezeki from sources we don't even know.....

Yesterday after a few hours of tossing and turning following an afternoon nap I decided to go to town. Thought I would shop for a suitable shirt to wear to a much anticipated lunch interview. Even though still in my day clothes I drove myself to Megamall to head to the one outlet that offers great office wear in my size. I didn't expect to be attended to eagerly by the staff coz I was dressed very casually in T-Shirt and crumpled linen slacks, both over sized, with my tudung tied in the usual way, which is unacceptable by many, and in floppies. We were discussing over this one beautiful pastel top in chiffon with lining. It's very light and airy and as we were talking this other lady who was trying on some other blouses called out for the one I was looking in her size. A minute later she danced out with the blouse on with her white jeans. She's probably around my age, but she looked glamorous in that blouse and I pointed her out to the sales assistant. Just out of curiosity I asked the lady what she would wear the blouse with. She said with pants as she's not comfortable in long skirts. I mentioned that we were considering the blouse with it's matching skirt and she volunteered to put on the skirt so I could take a look. Hmm.. how nice. It's easier to evaluate a look when it's on somebody else. She looked gorgeous. From there we were chattering about the fabulous blouses in the shop and her three daughter there were pulled into the discussion. In two minutes they were going like auntie this and auntie that. I was amazed at their friendliness and there we were, including two sales assistants, continued our make believe make over, enjoying ourselves with chatters and laughter, to find a right blouse, a new look, for my interview.

What amazed me most is Kak Nor (I overhead her calling herself that) was tak lokek in sharing her moment with her daughters and experience and thoughts with a stranger like me, who is not the least like her, and in that close vicinity of the shop, was so open and honest giving out her opinion. I felt blessed that Allah have given me the opportunity to meet such a person and family.

During the last year, when I have pulled myself back into a full time housewife, I thought that apart from spending time at home, surfing the Internet and watching documentaries and drama series following the lives of professionals i.e. lawyers, doctors, crime investigators etc losing contact with the corporate world I was so familiar with, I would lose contact with people. I have lost contact with the people I knew from work I mean I hardly met any of them anymore. But to then meet or virtually meet new people who then became friends is something I did not expect at all. I'm not talking of people like housewifely only you know but professionals and business people and wow I am amazed. I'm fortunate that I have kept my eyes and heart open to others. That I have got acquainted with the likes of Kak Nor - although our encounter only lasted about 15 minutes I didn't get a chance to know her more than that she has three beautiful young adults daughters. But the point is that as low as I have felt since taking time off from my career appreciating people who I have bumped into unexpectedly and get to know them lifted by spirits high. Thank you Allah.

Thank you Kak Nor. Thank you young Zatul whom I met at the polyclinic during one of my visits there who turned out to be a lecturer at Universiti Malaysia Pahang and who later called me in to become a panel evaluating projects for some of the final year students, and a constant and persistent motivator for me to watch my diet and care for my ailment. Thank you Edina (mother of three young ones) whom is a fan of Sulam Sayang who has since visited my home and somebody who I horned at when we were either sending or picking up our kids at school. Thank you Mc Budu a virtual friend who seems to care. I appreciate your soothing words and strong suggestions just as what I would expect from a good friend. There are more, visitors to Sulam Sayang. Even though our acquaintances are just under the umbrella of embroidery you all have been my strength to face the life I am facing now. Thank you. JazakAllahu kasiran.


McBudu said...

I know exactly how you feel about friendship in the corporate world. Most of those friends became our friends 'because you were there' The next day if we are no longer there, they will become another set of people. As James Francis Byrne says "Friendship without self interest is one of the rare and beautiful things in life."

And Oprah Winfrey go further by saying "Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo
breaks down."

And Ralph Waldo Emerson cannot be wrong when he quotes "The only way to have a friend is to be one."

Thanx for rating McBudu as a good friend (He is blushing now!)


Norazihan said...

sob sob hope u don't mind.

Anonymous said...

If you're friendly and always with a sweet smile, you will easily get friends where ever you are - Nyah